

The Foundation has its main office at Linderbergstrasse 15, in 8700 Küsnacht, from where it manages its literary inheritance from Marie-Louise von Franz and Barbara Hannah, along with the Marie-Louise von Franz library.

The house at Lindenbergstrasse 15 in Küsnacht is in private property and not open to the public.
(similar to the access to the library).

According to Article 3 of its statutes, the purpose of the Foundation is to support the research and dissemination of knowledge in the field of Jungian Psychology. This involves, in particular,

  • the organization of conferences for analysts and postgraduates in the field of Jungian Psychology together with representatives of other scientific fields;
  • conducting symposiums on special problems in psychology in line with the work of C. G. Jung;
  • helping to bring scientific work that creatively furthers insights into the field of Jungian Psychology into fruition;
  • publishing valuable work done in the field of Jungian Psychology through its own publishing house;
  • creating new editions of out of print publications of Marie-Louise von Franz, Küsnacht, as well as publishing her unpublished manuscripts, and to oversee the translation of her already published works in other languages.

    The core tasks of the Foundation for Jungian Psychology, Küsnacht.

    When the Foundation for Jungian Psychology was established in 1974 by Marie-Louise von Franz and four friends, its purpose was to disseminate and deepen the knowledge of analytical psychology according to C. G. Jung. We fulfill this purpose by exploiting various possibilities. These include in particular the organization of lectures, guided tours, excursions, interdisciplinary events and further training for qualified analysts and interested parties in Switzerland and abroad. We support the publication of valuable works with financial contributions. 

    In 1988, we established our own publishing house. This publishing house publishes several series of publications. The first volume of the journal Jungiana Series A appeared in 1989. Series A is reserved for short articles by various authors (Jungiana A/21 is now in preparation). In the same year, the first volume of Series B was published. Series B consists of monographs by individual authors on special topics (13 volumes have now been published). In addition, a separate series was established for the works of Marie-Louise von Franz. The rights to publish her writings were transferred to the Foundation upon her death in 1998. To date, most of her books and essays have been republished in revised editions as part of her complete works (15 volumes are available) and others are still being prepared for publication. Marie-Louise von Franz's extensive library of over 8,000 books, manuscripts and antiquarian rarities also went to the Foundation, as did the collection of works by the painter and author Barbara Hanna, with whom she lived and worked in the house they shared on Lindenbergstrasse in Küsnacht. We are also responsible for maintaining the three websites and sending out newsletters.

    We have employed up to 20 part-time staff in Switzerland and abroad to manage these varied tasks. We work closely with Fotorotar, Egg, which assists us with the design of the books and prints and binds them. Medio-Ingeno AG, Meilen, helps us to optimize the File Maker program for the operation of the library. Quantum Digital, Zurich, supports us in designing the websites. Peter and Paul Fritz's literary agency in Zurich handles the contracts with licensees. This is necessary because Marie-Louise von Franz's works are now published in 23 world languages and we have to negotiate with over 100 publishers. Her collected works in English are published by Chiron, Ashville, US, for whom we translate the fully edited new editions into English. The Brunau Foundation, Zurich, has taken over the storage, shipping and accounting of our books.

    The revised edition of Marie-Louise von Franz's complete works in German will be completed in the next few years. Individual, previously unpublished writings will follow. Series A of Jungiana will continue to appear at irregular intervals. In Series B, the following monographs are currently being prepared for publication: a German translation of the English title Striving toward Holness by Barbara Hannah, a biography of Emma Jung by Emelda Gaudissart, a study of the history, culture and religion of the peoples of ancient Mexico by José Zavala and an interpretation of the last oil painting by the Renaissance artist Guillaume Pierre de Marcillat by Hansueli Etter in terms of depth psychology and cultural history. Publications in the form of electronic media (off- and online) are in preparation. The organization of events will continue according to our possibilities and spontaneous opportunities. Information on this can be found on our website.

    Küsnacht, April 24, 2024